Calibration – Nedo Sirius Range of Rotating Lasers

November 25, 2020
13 0
Calibration guide Nedo Sirius

Calibration Nedo Sirius Range of Rotating lasers

Calibration guide to the Nedo Sirius range of electronically self-levelling rotating lasers.

Nedo Sirius Rotating Laser Guide

Nedo are a German manufacturer of laser levels.  Most of their range is comprised of locally manufactured, high-quality devices.  The Sirius range is Nedo’s budget range.  The core electronics and mechanics of this particular model are manufactured in China by Fukuda.  A relatively inexpensive OEM manufacturer supplying a huge number of brands.  Nedo have spent a great deal of time to personalise the Sirius range to make them fit in with their other ranges.  The casing is far superior to most other Fukuda based lasers, with far higher quality thick rubberised plastic casing.  This will provide far more protection than most.  They have also spent time improving some of the internals as well.  Most notably, Nedo have added a coning lens adjustment allowing them to have greater precision in calibration compared to the regular Fukuda based brands. More information on Coning Issues can be found HERE.

As these Sirius models are based on the Fukuda FRE203/FRE301 electronic calibration is pretty much the same.  You will need to have the remote for best results if yours is missing any regular Fukuda remote will suffice.

Calibration Procedure Nedo Sirius


To enter calibration mode for X axis (axis is clearly indicated on the top of the laser housing) first you press the Power button on the laser level to power up as normal.  Then, once powered up, press and hold the “Up” and “Down” arrow buttons for 3 seconds on the remote or keypad, the left LED light should now flash indicating its in calibration mode for the X axis.  To adjust the height of the beam on this axis press the “Left” and “Right” arrow buttons.  To save the new X axis level press and hold the “Up” and “Down” arrow buttons once again until the left LED light stops blinking.


For Y axis power up the laser once more as normal.  Then when powered up, press and hold the “Left” and “Right” arrow buttons until the right LED light flashes.  Use the “Up” and “Down” arrow keys to shift the height of the Y axis beam until it is at the correct level.  Then to save this new height press and hold the “Left” and “Right” arrow keys until the right LED light stocks blinking.

This method should be good for all Nedo Sirius models.

As always the Laser Level Review does not take any responsibility for your actions whilst using our guide.  If you are at all unsure, do not attempt to re-calibrate your laser, send it to a laser level service centre.

Had experience of these models and have anything to add please comment below.

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