Calibration – Topcon RL-H3C & RL-H3CS

August 22, 2020
50 35
Topcon Spare Parts RL-H3C

Calibration of the Topcon RL-H3C Rotating laser level

Updated Aug 2020 fixed some errors & added RL-H3CS slope version.

The Topcon RL-H3C is one of the most popular rotating laser levels sold across the globe over the last 10 years.  The following is a guide on the calibration of the Topcon RL-H3C.  Note that the procedure is the same for the Slope Grade model RL-H3CS.

Calibration is fairly straight forward for this model once you know the keypad sequences.  For entering calibration mode, changing and then saving the calibration.

As always we are assuming you know how to check the calibration and so know where the level should be.  This can be done by visually shining the laser onto a wall in a darkened room over a distance of 10m or more.

calibrate Topcon RL-H3C

Calibration of the X-Axis

The above diagram indicates the two axis.  So assuming we want to adjust the “X” axis first face either the control panel or opposing side towards the wall.  To enter calibration mode press the “TILT” button (left button) and hold, then momentarily press the green “Power” button (press and let go).  Finally, stop holding the “TILT” button.  The “OFF” light should be lit and the “ON” light should be flashing.  If this is not the case then power off and try again.

topcon-3c-panel   Topcon RL-H3CS slope grade model laser

The Topcon RL-H3C is now in calibration mode, to select the “X” axis press the “TILT” button (left button) and the “ON” light will go solid.  Press the “MANU” or “Power” buttons to shift the beam up or down to align with your level mark.  You can press and hold either of the buttons to move the laser’s height faster.  Or, single short presses when getting closer to the required height.  Once level on the correct height press the “TILT” button once more to save the setting.  Be patient, the “OFF” LED light will flash for a few seconds and then the RL-H3C will automatically power down.  Check that the new height has been saved.

Calibration of the Y-Axis

To calibrate the “Y” axis enter calibration mode the same as before by pressing the “TILT” button (left button) and hold, then momentarily press the green “Power” button (press and let go) then finally stop holding the “TILT” button.  The “OFF” light should be lit and the “ON” light should be flashing.  To select the “Y” axis press the “Power” button and the auto levelling “Green LED” will be lit.  Press the “TIL” button to lock in “Y” axis for calibration.  To adjust the “Y” axis press the “MANU” or “Power” buttons to shift the beam up and down to align with your level mark.  Press the “TILT” button to save the setting. The “OFF” LED light will flash and the RL-H3C will automatically power down after a few seconds.  Again check to make sure the new height has been saved.

NOTE; If the laser fails to power itself down on either axis after adjustment then the new height will not be saved.  This usually indicates that the laser is out of electronic recalibration range and needs to have the diode inside the laser repositioned.  If this is the case its best to get the laser level to your service agent.

At any point during the calibration process if you want to abort.  Simply power down the laser level and any changes made will not be saved.  I’ve noticed on some examples you cannot abort and need to save the new height before being able to move on.

As always the Laser Level Review does not take any responsibility for your actions whilst using our guide.  If you are at all unsure do not attempt to re-calibrate your laser and send it to a service centre.

Had experience of this model and have anything to add please comment below.

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